Recall the name of a person whom you hate the most. Like, the very thought of him should made you fume now. Spare a minute to think about his/her personal state. The person would be someone’s loved Parent, someone’s admired Sibling, and Someone’s adored Better half. Somehow somewhere, he is living the life of a lovable soul. Take away is that, he/she is not really whom you think they are. It is just the illusion of what they have chosen to show you and what you have chosen to perceive of them which brings you all the hatred, resentment and the negativity you associate with them.
Now those of you who have already started thinking that this is an advice for you to start loving them as they are all basically good people, sorry friends, you are mistaken. They have taken their rights to show you what they thought you deserve to see of them and you have taken your equal rights to perceive them as you saw they were. Just because they are loved by someone does not qualify them to be loved by you. It will be like I am propagating you to like Adolf Hitler (I already know a few of you do) because he was adorned by Eva Braun.
You are right in putting people in the place where you think they deserve best placed. It is your own right. After all, you have the freedom for that. At the same time, what we are very good at doing is, to make sure all the others with us also create such an image of the person we hate. Now that is wrong. As you took your freedom to decide, have the courtesy to let others enjoy their liberation in choosing what they think of your enemy. Putting it straight – “Mind your own business”.
By spreading a bad image, you not only steal others of their freedom but also deposit some negativity so that your image becomes that rusty one day. I hear a few voices saying, “We should warn our acquaintances of the bad we know, I am their Saviour”. Fine, you can do that, but you should not dump your thoughts in the process. Just lay the facts down and let your friend’s brain do some thinking. Already, the human brain utilizes only 10% of it’s capacity (As supported by a popular myth ;-) ) , you please do not do your part to bring that % even down.
Let your enemy be your enemy. By trying to make them others enemies, you only prove your inability of possessing enough force to fight him down single handed. You are only making situations worse for your own self.