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Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Let's celebrate dudes

                  We are known for our logical, reasoning and thinking capabilities. Not only for the MNC’s that place us, we ourselves boast about our critical thinking abilities which often end up cornering the so called older generation for being narrow minded. Myself being a person filled with pride for possessing this quality, I am not here to complain about that fact. But it is time we take our aptitude solving abilities to the next level, to the level of practical applications of our dynamic young minds.

                    As we are all gearing up for this diwali, we might have grown out of our craze for crackers due to aging, but we have not started celebrating the festival for it’s true purpose yet. Many of us would have purchased dazzling new clothes and lot other articles to go with our new attire, we would have invited all friends and guests to walk over for having fun with us, we would have purchased a lot other things which were postponed due to some other reasons so far. A festival is a great excuse for fulfilling our wish list. But, have we, as the younger generation given a thought to why we should celebrate?

                   The History says, It is the victory of good over evil that is celebrated as diwali. The crackers we burst and the lights lit up, demonstrate the victory of light over dark. Be this story a myth or truth, a little exploration into this piece of history will tell us that our elders wanted us to be reminded atleast once in a year to kill all that is bad within us and spread the new found radiance to this beautiful world. All the great epics and legendary stories were penned just to illustrate to us in a language we can understand better and remember over the time and reproduce to good effect in actions that will benefit all. If we had put our thinking caps on before starting to look at calendar several months before for the diwali holidays, we would have looked into our hearts and started preparing for the big event of resurrecting ourselves.

                   There is still a lot more time to go, Nov 5th is still far away, when diwali opens up this year, let it open up our hearts. Rather than creating light by bursting crackers, we shall light up our souls and lead us to enlightenment. Let us kill all that is dark and scary within us, let us spread the word of joy and true celebration. Let us join our hands together to welcome a brighter tomorrow. Afterall we are the smarter lot. Let us celebrate dudes. Happy Diwali!!!


  1. A good one philosopher!! :)

  2. Neingae Ellanae Enthe Samuthayae Yenna sir Agurathe ?

  3. Hmmm. . Yes . . Be it a myth or fact,,every festival we celebrate for centuries have some profound truth and a great purpose in them. May be those days, people were so matured and knowledged to mix some ultimate purposes in whatever they do. But with all our ""our logical, reasoning and thinking capabilities"", we almost forget and never appreciate the purposes and go only behind the deliberations. Good that the purposes appear in such good blogs and wonderful writes like urs.
    So we should appreciate this good write as well the "real purposes" :-)
